Friday, February 3, 2017

Emerging Resonances of Numbers

Zoe Wallis and Michelle Snyder
The Pythagoreans were not the only ones who gave symbolic meaning to numbers. According to Vincent Hopper, "nothing in the history of number symbolism is so striking as the unanimity of all ages and climates in regard to the meanings of a few number symbols." He refers to this as elementary number symbolism. Pythagoras said, Number is the ruler of forms and ideas, and the cause of gods and daemons.”
Numeration is a natural process. We started with patterns of dots in prehistory. Gematria is a Kabbalistic method of interpreting the Hebrew scriptures by computing the numerical value of words, based on those of their constituent letters. With the evolution of humanity, symbols also evolve. These are emerging resonances associated with numbers, as determined by Zoe in her research.
 0         All potential, wholeness
1          Primacy: things of first importance including the self
2          Development
3          Gathering power
4          Enablement opening
5          Answering design
6          New life
7          Expansion of connections
8          Teaching
9          Collaboration
10        New reality
11        Mastery leading 7
12        Serving new reality 5
13        New beginnings 8
14        Presentation of truth
15        Vitalizing presentation of service 2
16        Leading renewing knowledge
17        Answering victory 9
18        Presentation of life
19        Renewal of quickening
20        Joining keys 7
21        Widening teaching 2
22        Values of service 2
23        Serving keys of continuity
24        Serving keys of mastery 8
25        Serving keys of development 4
26        Serving keys of zenithing 3
27        Truth presenting direction
28        Direction presenting validation 6
29        Humanity guiding continuity
100      Reality presenting widening 5
200      Undertaking connections 6
300      Serving opportunities 8
400      Presenting victory to yielding 8
500      Success teaching unity 4
600      New life victorious
700      Undertaking development of connections 9
800      Serving identity’s keys 9
900      Teaching change answering 9
1000    Reality presenting new life 6
1999    Ending dispensation
2000    Presenting humanity to God 8
2001    Radical change presenting new life
2002    Presenting God to humanity 7
2003    Presenting harmony to worlds 4
3004    Presenting restoration to worlds 4
2005    Presenting keeping delivery to humanity 4
2006    Presenting victory to humanity 6
2007    Presenting answering humanity to rescue 7
2008    Fostering wisdom 8
2009    Presenting new human reality to God 6
2010    God rescuing humanity 9
2011    Well-coming life 6
2012    Kindling answering timing 7
2013    God an d humanity changing our creation forever 4
2014    God and humanity opening Eden to all human beings 8
2015    Kindling future victory 8
2016    Bringing God home 9
0: Opening all potential – joining with all working for peace in our world
1: New reality realm of awakening goodness and zenithing orientation – vitalizing perspective of our personal identity key, Grounding
2: New reality realm of becoming work and experience teaching development – developing peace through our personal identity key, heart
3: New reality realm of vision perspective and kindship unification – achieving harmony of self through our personal identity key, mind
4: New reality realm of zenithing kindness and caring wonder and learning opening the way – our true way is enabled by our personal identity key – learning
5: New reality realm of new understanding freedom and responsibility answering design – our Eden becomes through our personal identity key – spirit
6: New reality realm of harmony of integrity answering and quality realizing new life – we answer quality through our personal identity key – relationship
7: New reality realm of change kindling and opening reciprocity – knowing yonder through our personal identity key – relationships
8: New reality realm of teaching zenithing and gains perspectives of teaching – zenithing gains through our personal identity key – example
9: New reality realm of answering epigenetic evolution joy and enlightenment satisfaction – fostering perfection through our personal identity key – work
10: New reality realm of peace love an jubilation realizing peace – bringing victory through our personal identity key – peace
11: Closing mastery leading – bringing correct transition
About Symbologist Michelle Snyder
About Symbologist Michelle Snyder
Michelle Snyder is a professor of mythology, and an author, publisher, speaker, and artist. She  did her post-graduate research at the University of Wales, decoding ancient and prehistoric symbolism, mythology, folklore, and fairy tales.  Her artwork has appeared in galleries from Massachusetts to California. Michelle is co-owner of White Knight Studio. 
Michelle Snyder
Non-Fiction - Symbology:
Symbology: Decoding Classic Images
Symbology: Decoding Symbols through History
Symbology: Fairy Tales Uncovered
Symbology: Art and Symbols
Symbology: Hidden in Plain Sight
Symbology: ReVision
Symbology: World of Symbols
Symbology: Secrets of the Mermaids
Michelle Paula Snyder
Fiction – Fantasy Wonder Tales:
The Fairy Tales: Once Upon a Time Lessons, First Book
Call of the Dragon and other Tales of Wonder
A Tale of Three Kingdoms, book one: The Lost Unicorn
 A Tale of Three Kingdoms, book two The Lost Mermaid
 A Tale of Three Kingdoms, book three The Lost Dragon

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